Awards & Travel grants

3 awards for the best oral presentations of 3 tracks: applied science, natural science, social science and 1 award for the best poster will be selected by the scientific committee. Each award includes 150 euros and a certificate. The selection is only applied for participants (except invited speakers) who present their work at the workshop. 

A limited number of travel grants is available for eligible participants of JRD 2013. The selection is based on the profile and motication of applicants. Please fill out this form if you would like to be granted:

(Deadline: 15 September 2013)


Travel grants winners: 

  • TRUONG Thi Thanh Phuong, Avignon University, France
  • HOANG Thi Ha,  Greifswald University, Germany 
  • NGUYEN Quoc Tuyen, Lab 3SR-INPG, France
  • Janna Cropotova, Practical Scientific Institute of Horticulture and Food Technology, Moldova
  • Thinh Doan, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland



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