AvanThèse® Training

In collaboration with ABG-Intelli'agence, JRD 2013 offers 20 places for a special training called AvanThèse® on the topic "Ph.D. or not Ph.D." . This training is dedicated to bachelor, engineer and Master students who would like to know whether they are cut out to be a Ph.D. candidate. There is no tuition fee, but the pre-inscription is required. The selection is based on applicants' profile and motivation. Please fill out this form to apply your pre-inscription:


(Deadline: 15 September 2013 20 September 2013 - extended)


Trainer: Thao Lang - ABG-Intelli'agence


Admitted candidates:

DINH Thi Ngoc Mai, Paris Diderot University
HOANG Ha, Paris Sud University
LE Ha Phong, National Institut of Applicable Sciences of Lyon
LE Thi Thuy Linh, Paris-Dauphine University
LUONG Thu Huong, Vietnam National University
LUU Thi Hieu, University of Pierre & Marie Curie
NGHIEM Quynh Huong, University of Greifswald, Germany
NGUYEN Do Ngoc Linh, Paris Sud University
NGUYEN Khanh Linh, Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs du Val de Loire
NGUYEN Lam Hung, Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace/SUPAERO and ENSICA
NGUYEN Le Ngoc Ha, University of Strasbourg
NGUYEN Thuong Anh, Ecole Speciale des Travaux Publics (ESTP) - Paris
PHAM Minh Hieu, Institut Polytechnique de Hanoi
PHAM Thi Kim Lien, Montpellier 2 University
TRAN Mai Thang, Paris-Dauphine University


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