Scientific Committee
- Prof. BOSI Stefano, CNRS
- Prof. DANG Vu Minh, President of VUSTA (Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations)
- Dr. DAO Thu Ha, Hospital Practitioner, Groupement Hospitalier Universitaire Sud
- Prof. DIEP The Hung, Vice-President of the University of Cergy-Pontoise
- Prof. DUONG Nguyen Vu, Director of John von Neumann Institute at Ho Chi Minh National University
- Assoc. Prof. HA Thi Minh Huong, University of Paris 11
- Assoc. Prof. LAI Ngoc Diep, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
- Prof. LE Van Cuong, Paris School of Economics
- Dr. LE Van Ut, Ton Duc Thang University
Prof. LEVY Aldo, CNAM Paris
- Dr. NGO Christian, Chairman of Edmonium & Ex-Scientific Director at CEA
- Prof. NGUYEN Dang Hung, University of Liège
- Prof. NGUYEN Duc Khuong, IPAG Bussiness School
- Prof. NGUYEN Quy Dao, Emeritus Research Director at CNRS and Ecole Centrale de Paris
- Prof. PHAM Xuan Huyen, University of Paris 7 and Institut Universitaire de France
- Assoc. Prof. TANG Anh Minh, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
Dr. TRAN Van Xuan, R&D EDF
- Dr. VO Toan Trung, Hospital Practitioner, Hospitals of Paris
- Prof. VU Ngoc Can, University of Technology of Compiègne
- Ass. Prof. VU Xuan Hong, University of Claude Bernard Lyon 1
- Assoc. Prof. VU Van Yem, Hanoi University of Science and Technology